viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

Love at first sight

                                                       via Smoda (in this one you can see the details on the sleeve)

Como ya sabréis, ayer empezó la Semana de la Moda en NY, i yo ya he tenido mi primer enamoramiento; se trata de una chaqueta de BCBG Max Azria, no es preciosa?? es que la adoro, la quiero, pero nunca la tendré... :(

As you may know, yesterday started NYFW, and I had my first crush; I just felt in Love with this white jacket of BCBG Max Azria new collection, isn`t it pretty? I adore it, I want it, I will never have it... :(

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. That made my day :) Oh yes, this white is one of the prettiest jackets I've ever seen,especially the detail on the sleeves... too pretty!!

  2. Chanced upon your blog and enjoy reading it!
